rodrigo martins: the silence of tired tongues, framer framed
Rodrigo Martins está na exposição The Silence of Tired Tongues que acontece na Framer Framed, espaço de exposições e projetos de Amsterdã. Com curadoria de Raphael Fonseca, a mostra coletiva fica em cartaz até 31 de julho e reúne obras de 13 artistas emergentes brasileiros em torno da concepção da palavra "saudade".
"Rodrigo Martins exhibits four paintings in 'The Silence of Tired Tongues'. His figurative paintings stem from the resignification of scenes and objects to create new meanings and relationships between the viewer and what is on the canvas. For the artist, each object, plant and landscape have its importance and memory within the possible narratives. By constructing and deconstructing forms, he eliminates what does not matter, which results in a persistence of the gaze."
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The Silence of Tired Tongues
Curadoria de Raphael Fonseca
24 abril – 31 julho 2022
Framer Framed
Oranje-Vrijstaatkade 71
1093 KS Amsterdam
foto: eva broekema